While it is known that Sonakshi Sinha will feature in an item number in "Joker",few know that the film has another item number.Fewer still know that Chitrangda Singh has been roped for that.This will be her first item number and will be choreographed by Farah Khan.Chitrangda will groove to the tunes of "Kaafirana",while Akshay Kumar and Sonakshi will be part of the audience watching her performance.
Director Shirish Kunder admits that while Sonakshi already has an item number in the film,while Sonakshi already has an item number in the film,the track that Chitrangda will be dancing to is a different one."Kaafirana"is essentially a rustic song with a raunchy flavour to it.We wanted a fresh yet sensual face the usual,go-to item girls of today.Also,Chitrangda hasn't done an item song before,so the novelty value is very high.She was exactly what we were looking for,"he says.
Director Shirish Kunder admits that while Sonakshi already has an item number in the film,while Sonakshi already has an item number in the film,the track that Chitrangda will be dancing to is a different one."Kaafirana"is essentially a rustic song with a raunchy flavour to it.We wanted a fresh yet sensual face the usual,go-to item girls of today.Also,Chitrangda hasn't done an item song before,so the novelty value is very high.She was exactly what we were looking for,"he says.
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