After traveling half the World for "Ra one" Shah Rukh Khan made his way to Delhi on the final day of the Grand Prix.He also attended Arjun Rampal's party where Lady Gaga performed,About F1,SRK said he found it very "nice, energetic and noisy",but he had more than a few words about Gaga,with whom he recorded a TV show earlier in the day."It was very nice talking to her.She's very sweet,very nice.I had a great time and I sat with her for a few hours and we exchanged a lot of good things about life.Very deep,very sweet,I am a fan because my daughter listens to her music."
When we asked SRK,who turns 46 today, about his birthday plans,he said,"I am a little tired.I am happy that I am in Delhi and enjoying myself .I am here for two days and then I go back to Mumbai."But no SRK interaction is complete without a witty one from the the Star, and while talking about Formula 1 when asked about his favorite driver;SRK quipped ,"Mohan,my driver in Mumbai,is my favorite."
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